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Where the World’s first Archeological site was Established

A fossil (fossils from classical Latin, meaning “obtained by digging”) is a preserved remnant, origin, or trace of any object that once lived from a geological age. Preserved materials in bones, shells, external skeletons, stone seals of animals or microorganisms, amber, hair, petrified wood, oil, coal and DNA residues. The total number of fossils is called the fossil record.

Archaeological excavations began first

The first sites excavated were Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments in England. The first known excavations at Stonehenge were carried out by William Harvey and Gilbert North in the early 17th century.

The archeological system began with an interest in the Greeks and Romans and was created in 18th century Italy with the excavation of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

In 1861, the first specimen of the Archeopteryx, a mixture of animal and other reptile and bird features with both teeth and feathers, was discovered in a limestone quarry in Bavaria and described by Richard Owen. Another was discovered in the late 1870s and was on display in the Berlin Natural History Museum in 1881.

The world’s oldest fossil forest has been discovered in a quarry in Upper New York. Evidence of the world’s oldest forest about 385 million years ago has been found in an abandoned quarry in New York’s upstate, according to a new study published in current biology.

Oldest Archaeological site in the world

The world’s oldest fossil forest has been discovered in a quarry in Upper New York. Evidence of the world’s oldest forest about 385 million years ago has been found in an abandoned quarry in New York’s upstate, according to a new study published in current biology.

Theopetra Cave

In 2012, following several decades of research and excavations, researchers revealed that humans were living in Theopetra Cave over 135,000 years ago, making it the oldest archaeological site in the world.

Ancient animal fossil

The one-inch-long scale similar to a millibyte seems to be the oldest known animal to have lived on land. Fossil seals of Compaccaris openensis from the island of Guerrero in Scotland have been radiologically dated to the Silurian period, about 425 million years ago.

When did humans first discover dinosaurs

In 1842, the discovery of dinosaurs by the British scientist Richard Owen was widely welcomed. He described them as massive animals with dense limb bones and strong, reinforced hips.

The oldest city in the world

Jericho, a small town of 20,000 in the Palestinian territories, is believed to be the world’s oldest city. In fact, the earliest archaeological evidence of the region dates back 11,000 years

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