Unknown Information about the Arctic under your Eye View

The Arctic is the northern direction of the Earth. Most scientists define the Arctic as the area within the 66.5 Arctic Circle north of the equator. The Arctic is almost completely covered by water, most of which are frozen. Some frozen features like glaciers and glaciers are frozen freshwater. The climate of the Arctic is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cold summers. The Arctic is mostly terrestrial sea. Therefore, much of the Arctic climate is governed by seawater, which can never have temperatures below 2 C (28 F).

Arctic climate

Extreme Arctic climate makes the region a barrier to travel and a challenging place to live. Nevertheless, people in the Arctic have explored and found ways to survive. Indigenous people have inhabited the Arctic for thousands of years. However, Arctic people have found ways to adapt, survive and grow.

“Arctic” is derived from the Greek word “arcticos” for bear. The reason is that Ursa Major, the big bear galaxy is found in the northern sky. The Arctic Circle represents the region above, with at least 1 day of the year, 24 hours of sunshine throughout the day and 24 hours of darkness in winter. The Arctic is a landlocked sea. Antarctica is land surrounded by sea. The sea beneath the Arctic ice is cooler, but still warmer than ice.

People’s of Arctic

Indigenous peoples make up 12.5 percent of the Arctic population of more than four million: Elliott, Adabascans, Quechins, Inuit, Sami and many indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic. They live on three different continents, usually in coastal areas, separated by geographical barriers.

Very important to the Arctic world

The Arctic helps to spread the world’s ocean currents, moving cold and warm water around the world. We need to tackle climate change and protect the Arctic from its worst effects. “The Arctic may seem distant and obscure, but in reality Scotland is the Arctic’s closest neighbor.

Houses in the Arctic

Igloo is a shelter built from snow and ice. Not all Arctic peoples built Iglesias. They were built by the Inuit people of northern Canada. Iglesias were never permanent homes for the Inuit.

Animals living in the Arctic

Animals living in the Arctic

More than 5,500 animals live in the Arctic, which develop over time with dense fur or dust that keeps them safe and tough. The Arctic is really home to wildlife, from large mammals such as walruses and polar bears to birds, fish, small plants and small sea creatures called plankton. The Arctic covers most of the Earth’s North Pole.

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