Facts About The Nobel Prize | One of The Most Prestigious Awards

The Nobel Prize is a prestigious award given to those who have researched, invented the best technologies or tools and made a rare contribution to society.

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a few organizations. It was started in 1895 by the chemist Alfred Noble. The first prize was awarded in 1901.

There are even a few years when a gift is not even announced. However, the prize will be announced at least once every five years. The Nobel Prize is non-refundable.

The Nobel Prize is not a prize, but according to Alfred Nobel’s 1895 wish, five separate prizes are awarded to “those who have made the greatest contribution to humanity in the previous year.”

The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences was established in 1968 by the Swedish Central Bank to mark its 300th anniversary. Each recipient of the prize will receive a gold medal and a prize based on the annual income of the Nobel Foundation.

Nobel Prize categories

The Nobel Prize is considered the most prestigious award for intellectual achievement in the world, and is awarded in six categories: Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economics. We can know the chronological list of Nobel Prize winners through the tables.

The reason for the History of the Nobel Prize

In 1888, he was shocked to see the news of his death in a French newspaper entitled “The Death of a Merchant”. But the deceased was Alfred’s brother Ludwig. But the news shattered Noble, who began to think seriously about how he would be remembered after his death. This is what changed his will.

Alfred Nobel died December 10, 1895 at the San Remo Palace in Italy at the age of 63. To everyone’s surprise, Nobel’s last wish was to use the bulk of his wealth to give prizes in the fields of physics, chemistry, peace, medicine, and literature to those who contributed to the “progress of mankind.”

The prizes were awarded for the first time

To add to the authenticity of the prizes, the Norwegian Nobel Society appointed the eminent J rgen Lowland, Yarnstein Yarnson and Johannes Stein to the prize-giving committee. At the end of the 19th century, the Nobel Society decided to give gifts to two outstanding peace activists.


The Nobel Prize in Physics selected two Nobel laureates: William Conrad, who invented X-rays, and Philip Leonard, who invented cathode rays. The Swedish Academy of Sciences has selected R. Dead NDG as the recipient.


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jacob Wan Kao for his contribution to chemistry and thermodynamics.


Sally Prudhomme. An eye disease forced Sally Prudhom to discontinue her engineering studies and instead pursue her career in literature and poetry. His works showed “a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect”, and he received his first literary prize.


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the German physiologist and microbiologist Erik von Bering. In the 1890s Eric von Bering discovered the antidote for diphtheria.

Nobel Prize selection

The Nobel Committee prepares a report that reflects the advice of experts in related fields. This, along with a list of early candidates, will be submitted to the prize-giving companies. Prize winners in each field are chosen by a majority vote.

A maximum of three prize winners and two different works can be selected for each award. Awards can only be given to individuals, excluding the Peace Prize that can be given to companies. If the Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded, the money will be divided between the science prizes. This has happened 19 times so far.

Award Ceremony

Every year on the tenth day of December, Nobel Memorial Day, all other Nobel Prizes, except the Nobel Peace Prize, are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.

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